Start with a
Thorough Inspection
THOROUGH Inspections

We utilize 30 years of experience with home improvement, renovations, and home product knowledge to analyze each structure and the systems within, and we apply our knowledge to each inspection.
We see things differently based on personal experience, and this makes our inspections unique. Our extensive personal knowledge of how things work, what can go wrong, and the many types of solutions available to resolve issues are passed along to each of our clients.
A hands-on, working knowledge of how to take apart and put back together all parts of a home is a different type of knowledge than what is taught in books and online. We have both the hands-on knowledge AND the industry training, and we apply both to each inspection we conduct.
We conduct focused inspections to create a thorough report. Our #1 goal is to conduct a thorough inspection and produce a detailed report. We have designed our inspection process and techniques to achieve our goal.
With the understanding that we have been hired to conduct a thorough inspection, and it is in our clients’ best interest to have us stay focused on the job of inspecting, we designed specific inspection techniques, unique in this industry, to produce the most thorough and detailed reports.
We want to pass along what we have learned over the years, and a thorough inspection and review of each home is a great way to pass along our knowledge.
Above & Beyond

We use state-of-the-art equipment that is unique in the inspection industry (drones, testing gauges, digital recording equipment) in an ongoing effort to give our clients the most thorough inspections possible. As a leader in this industry, we have personally researched, tested, and implemented the use of new equipment not commonly found in the home inspection industry.
We use drones to get above all roofing and chimney systems, regardless of height and pitch of the roof.
- CT state guidelines for home inspectors does not require an inspector go onto a roof. Many roof systems are too steep, and chimneys too high for safe access without scaffolding or safety ropes.
- We use drones and can go safely beyond what is required by the state to give our clients more information than they can get from the ground with a pair of binoculars. Our goal is to see it all.
Healthy Home

We are experts in understanding what it takes to make, and keep, a healthy home.
From the structure and layout, to the water and air and natural light, it is important to understand how everything works together to achieve a healthy environment, and we have this understanding.
Constantly researching human health and how it relates to your home environment is a specialty of ours, and we pass along this knowledge to all of our clients.

30 years of personally renovating homes gives us first-hand knowledge that is unmatched in this industry.
We understand personally how to solve any home related problems, and we pass along our extensive knowledge with each inspection. We bring a positive attitude and confidence in our abilities to help our clients fully understand each home.
Hands-on knowledge of how systems work, what it takes to install, remove, remediate and troubleshoot many types of problems: electrical, plumbing, roofing, siding, window & door installations, HVAC, well equipment, historic homes, modern homes, evolving design/layout trends, product trends, research, pet needs, and landscape design.
We have owned and run several companies located in commercial buildings and factories where we had complete control of the maintenance and upkeep of the building’s infrastructure. This gives us a unique ability to apply that knowledge to commercial inspections.
Living a Kaizen life (Kaizen = Continuous Improvement) helps to guide our ongoing desire to improve our company, our services, our knowledge base, and understanding of the world around us each day, and we pass along this knowledge to all of our clients with each inspection.
Industry Leader

We are constantly looking for ways to improve our business and services to benefit our clients and leading the industry in updating old or outdated practices.
As leaders, we bring a positive, success-driven attitude to each inspection. We believe in Kaizen (continuous improvement) and we apply this philosophy to everything we do.
We use state-of-the-art equipment (drones, environmental testing, digital recording) that is unique in the inspection industry. In our efforts to improve our services, we research, test, and implement new equipment that gives our clients a more thorough inspection experience and reporting.
In our efforts to constantly improve our company, we analyze our industry on a regular basis and make changes to our company and services to improve our level of inspections, beyond the minimum CT guidelines, leading by example, and always trying to set the bar higher for what is expected.
We train other inspectors and regularly pass along our knowledge to agents in an effort to improve the overall industry we work within.
When we started in this industry, we studied it extensively for strengths and weaknesses, and we created a product – our unique service – that was focused on eliminating or minimizing what we learned as industry weaknesses, and invested in highlighting and improving upon industry strengths. Our unique inspection services are the result of this study and effort to constantly improve.
Our clients benefit from working directly with industry leaders who will always be striving to improve our world, our business, our homes and the knowledge of those we encounter every day.
Kaizen Home

- The future of home improvement and education =
- Kaizen is a philosophy of Continuous Improvement.
- We are excited to announce our participation in a website focused on the future of home improvement, products and education.
- We are excited to be part of an effort to create a website devoted to passing along Home Industry knowledge from professionals in the industry (including The Certified Home), and products to improve your home.
- Homes and buildings are not static objects within our environment, and upkeep and improvements over time are critical to understand as a concept for ownership.
- The Kaizen Home website will endeavor to pass along knowledge and education to anyone interested, and we are proud to be a leader in this ongoing educational effort.
Our Team

Brad Lareau
Owner & Inspector CT #HOI.0000784

Patrick Crotty
Owner & Inspector
Experience Makes the Difference
We respond to customer questions promptly and take the time to answer them in detail. We offer a full range of inspection services, including home, condo/townhouse, historic and commercial building inspections. Our services include testing for radon, water quality and well functions, along with pest and mold detection.
With over 30 years of experience, we pass along our extensive home knowledge to each customer and offer guidance and solutions specific to each home when needed. We offer a positive experience and pass along our love for homes with each inspection.